

Tech-stacks : HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript


Cloned fathom helth website which is provide a AI build service for medical coding.

As a member of a team of 5 full stack developers, develop high-quality front-end code with an emphasis on web standards and scalability. Created and maintained a framework for the rapid construction and deployment of websites

  • Features
  • Meeting Scheduling
  • Responsive web design

Tech-stacks : HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript


Cloned Cricbbuzz website is an online score platform for cricket.

Design and develop replica of this website shows online score for the cricket match i tried to clone as much as possible.

  • Features
  • Create account,Login and logout
  • Responsive web design

Tech-stacks : HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript


This is the Calculator which is Calculator all the value for mathematical opearations like addition, substarction, multiplication and division.

  • Features
  • Perform all the mathematical opearations
  • Responsive web design
Tic Tac Toe

Tech-stacks : HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript(Vannila JS)

Tic Tac Toe

This is the Tic Tac Toe Game in which play have to choose any box if 3 boxes have same then that player will win the match

  • Features
  • Reset Automatically after the game over
  • Give Alert who wins or draw

Contact me

Please free to contact me via email, linkedin

You can also download my resume using below button

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